I used to crochet until a bit
of arthritis in my thumb joints made it unpleasant. So I took up knitting. I’m now
SO into knitting that my daughter and I decided to make and sell handmade,
adorable knitting needles: https://www.etsy.com/shop/KnitGnomes
And here’s my obligatory
Ravelry scrapbook of projects: https://www.ravelry.com/projects/Marcellala
But this post isn’t about
tools, stitches, projects, patterns, etc. etc. etc. Rather, it’s a meditation,
a philosophical exploration, a self-reflective hypothesis sounding board, on WHY
I knit.
Prairie folk often attribute
their craftiness to pragmatism: we make things because we need them. But trust
me, NO
Rubbermaid tub in your hall closet overflowing with hats, mittens, and scarves.
Your drawer is stuffed with untouched handknit socks you’ll re-gift as soon as
the knitter has forgotten she/he gave them to you. So no, it isn’t about need. It’s
something more…
1. “Idle Hands” Knitting. My grandma, a fairly stoic Presbyterian, reminded me
often that “idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” When she sat to watch TV, she
was also knitting an afghan, mending (including socks…people used to mend and
keep wearing holey socks!!), folding laundry, or writing letters. I’m not
religious myself and don’t believe in devils, but I have to admit that when my
hands aren’t busy, I’m twitchy, and I watch around corners.
2. Knitting as Mindfulness Practice. Though I’ve been practicing for years, I admit to
having a hard time with meditation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-kMJBWk9E0).
I’ve heard the mind compared to a willful horse that’s always distracted by
sounds & sights, and that constantly wants to turn back to the barn. So for
me, mindful knitting helps me rein in the horse, instead of letting the horse
take me astray. It’s a chance to PAY ATTENTION to each stitch, to the
feel of the yarn, to the sound of the needles, to the rhythm of the rows. It’s
a chance to stay in the present moment. I’m pretty much Type A+++, so knitting helps
me slow my breathing & heart, lower my BP, and let go of the day/plans/regrets/schedule/lists
for a time.
3. Cheap Gift Knitting. I’m a perpetually poor teacher. Ray is a printer (he
runs a Heidelberg press). We live in South Dakota, where K-12 teachers are the
lowest paid in the nation. IN THE NATION. And where
post-secondary teachers don’t do much better and sometimes do much worse. And
where wages in general are woeful. So yes, kids & siblings, you’re getting another
funky knit hat and more fingerless gloves for Christmas.
4. Social Anxiety Knitting. You might not know this about me, but I’m an
introvert. I do well in small groups of intimate friends, but put me in a large
group, or any group of folks I don’t know, and the outer me will be charming
and all smiles. But inner me might be bug-eyed, quaking, and hanging by her
fingernails from a wall sconce. I’ve discovered that taking knitting everywhere
I go can help in several ways: (a) some people will stay away because they think
I’m “busy”; (2) some people will approach and ask about the knitting, which
breaks the ice; and (III) I can effectively “time out” when I need to by
concentrating on the knitting for a bit.
5. “Ignorance is Bliss” Knitting. I have a LOT of responsibilities and stress.
A lot. A shit-ton, as the kids say. Knitting can sometimes signal others to
steer clear because, dangit, I’m “busy” doing something constructive and