It’s Halloween. And something really scary happened this morning—I realized as NPR woke us up, that whenever I hear someone say “the president,” I knot up in a hard lump of seething anger. And if I hear Voldemort’s voice, my anxiety level jumps to “steaming fissure.” It occurred to me, again, that I need to focus on what's GOOD in the world.
In order to surround myself with a more positive vibe, I’ve given up all news except PBS News Hour (and I only watch that every couple of weeks). For the rest of my news, I watch Colbert, Oliver, and Bee. Still, putting a funny spin on the news isn’t enough to soothe my anxiety. So, in addition to my gratitude journal, meditation, extra Vitamin B and chamomile tea, lavender baths, Theta-wave music CD’s, and extended periods of total silence, I’ve compiled a list of things to remind me (us) that in spite of a relatively small number of GRUBS (Greedy Repulsive Unrepentant Bastards), we humans are pretty okay…
1. All but the most radical
people of faith—of all major religions—are beautifully kind, peaceful, and generous
people. For example, after the shooting by a white terrorist at a Pittsburgh
synagogue, Muslim organizations instantly raised over $200,000 to help victims
and their families.
2. I finished grading a stack
of papers, and the next batch won’t come in for THREE. WHOLE. DAYS.
3. The Great Barrier Reef has
been dying. Scientists have now successfully bred GBR coral in the lab and
transplanted it back in the wild.
4. Young people are expected
to turn out in record numbers for the November 6 midterm elections.
5. The hole in the ozone
layer above Antarctica is recovering, according to NASA:
6. My 82-year-old mother fell
twice last week. Hard. On a hardwood floor. She didn’t break a bone, and her
spectacular shiner only adds to her Halloween witchery.
7. Honeybee populations are
on the rise.

9. This barber gives homeless
folks haircuts for a hug:
10. The Women’s March of 2017
drew over 3 million people. 3 MILLION.
11. Ezri lost another tooth,
this time at school so she could show everyone, and she brought to dinner, so
she could show everyone at the restaurant, too.
12. Our bathroom remodel, to
make our main floor more mom-friendly, is finally done. And it turned out sweet
as can be.
13. Babies were born to two
of my online students (in the same class) in the last month. Both students kept
right on with their school work and let me post pics of the babies on our
course website.
14. Coffee prices have been
decreasing (so stock up the freezer—they’re expected to go up up up starting in
15. Trick-or-Treaters. C’MON!
Could these kids BE any more adorable and full of promise?!?
16. A record 256 women are
running for the House and Senate in November. SO PLEASE VOTE.