• If you’re snowed in long enough, you will uncoil, welcome silence, lose your fear of self-reflection.
• Pearl Bailey was right to call the kitchen “a mystical place, a temple.”
• Knitting is meditation for people still plagued by their grandma’s [inser

• Blooming oncidium orchids are clear proof of alien colonization on Earth.
• We will rail against the other woman/man until we become her/him.
• Gordon Hempton makes the finest environmental/nature sounds CD’s on the planet. You crank the six house speakers and fill your home with babbling brook, wolf calls, and summer thunder
• If you complain loud enough, your dear, concerned friends will start emailing you photos of blooming spring flowers, wild flamingos, green summer meadows. You are grateful and make a screensaver slide show of only warm, brightly colored things.
• Spectral Super Bunny makes ghostly appearances here & there, briefly, atop the snow drifts in your yard. He has a head the size of pit bull and taunts you with his mystic
• Peacocks will eat leftover brown rice, onions, and garlic, cooked in hot salsa. But if you serve it on a metal cookie sheet, it will take them an hour or two of posturing and clucking and dancing around to make sure the cookie sheet won’t eat them first.
• The bleakness of a blizzard is humbling, awe-inspiring, or devastating in direct proportion to the affection you feel for the land and the amount of Doritos and Ethiopian coffee beans you have on hand.
• You find out your CD of the Dalai Lama and his entourage chanting for Vaclav Havel is actually Dutch mantra singer Hein Braat. You’ve been the victim of a viral Internet urban legend. You block out the new information and pretend it’s the Dalai Lama.
• If you practice owl calls on your back porch late at night, the owls will eventually start to answer, and you will shiver every time.
• Winter is a necessary step before spring. Spring. Before long, blue crocus and purple hyacinth will peek through the snow. And that’s why you live in South Dakota. Even in the winter.
Very beautiful!