April is National Poetry Month. It’s also International Guitar Month--no kidding. And since the Nickorettes (an acoustic trio my two friends and I are putting together) are playing for our friend’s daughter’s wedding today, and since I’ve been scheming a summer poetry project, my head is a’whirl with verse & song. So I offer up this little poem. It’s the result of two things that had been floating around in my head back then: (1) Christopher Dewdney’s amazing list poem, “Grid Erectile” (see him read it in an excerpt from the incredible 1983 beat-poets video, Poetry in Motion, at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN3AaYp_kyY); (2) a concert I’d been to, where the then 20-something Kaki King (before this bit on Letterman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shYdqbJgQdc&feature=related) did something only one or two people in my entire life have been able to do: left me speechless. So the poem is for Dewdney, who gave me reasons without argument, and for King, who stunned me into silence…
The world has become
a spectacle of absence,
a radiant inventory.
a spectacle of absence,
a radiant inventory.
Christopher Dewdney
Because your pinafore is an alder guitar body shaped like a woman
Because your ringlets are shining rows of phosphor bronze
Because your hands are pale long-legged spiders dancing
Because your wrist bends back like the curl of a garden snail
Because your voice is small and high like a chipping sparrow
Because you call up Earth’s low hum and it echoes in my ribs
Because you can disappear at will in a fog of sound or silence
Because you weave blue & silver chords into sheer electric fabric
Because your vibrato is a flame that trips nerves along my spine
Because you find a labyrinth of bright rooms in a glass bottleneck
Because you trick harmonics and women’s fists unfurl, breath slows
Because old men cry and children stop fidgeting
Because ash settles lightly in the hearts of jealous men
Because these notes are elemental, a baptism
Because you are hollow, a conduit radiating multitonal effusion
Because when you stop there is only absence
Because 5000 people are fed, soothed, rocked to sleep
Because this is the sound a weeping fig must make
Because there was stillness and expectation and now this
Because somewhere in the desert tremors have begun underground
Because water bubbles up from hairline cracks in baked clay
Because yucca flowers open to nocturnal white moths
Because I can only breathe, swallow, blink, wait
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