the teeming underbelly of the South Dakota prairie
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Dieting Do's & Don't's
Don’t keep anything in the house that
would undermine your diet. A good rule of thumb is, if it
looks, tastes, feels, or smells good, feed it to the peacocks.
Do keep peeled, sliced cucumbers in a
Tupperware bowl in your fridge. You will not be able to make yourself eat them
(without sour cream), but they will give the appearance of healthy eating
Don’t, under any circumstances, bite
your partner.
Do imagine that you are so spiritually
rarified, you no longer need food.
Don’t attempt to become so
spiritually rarified, you no longer need food.
Do imagine yourself chained in a
medieval dungeon. This helps you to be grateful for the morsel of dried toast
you had ten hours ago for breakfast. And, the image of yourself as an emaciated
feudal prisoner (in a new Land’s End
swimsuit two sizes smaller than last year’s), will keep you going.
Do remember that it could be worse: You
could be a breatharian. You could be on the cabbage soup diet. You could have
those three middle school girls following you around (
Don’t raise and lower the footrest of
your La-Z-Girl ten times and call it “exercise.”
Do perfect a low, resonant, guttural
growl. This is an effective way to quickly signal extreme displeasure if your partner eats anything in your presence that is slathered with
frosting, gravy, butter, or syrup.
Do rig up a plywood Victorian bed partition if you
have a tendency to dream of food or to eat in your sleep.
Don’t record 37 hours of the Food
Network to watch when the diet ends.
Do buy all of your clothes two sizes too
big, then whine constantly to coworkers about how you’re “falling out of these old
things” and can't figure out why.
Don’t imagine various implements of
torture when your friend says she “forgot to eat today.”
Do remember (seriously now) that you
are gol dern lucky to have every bite of food you put in your mouth, unlike the 925
million people in the world who are hungry and would feed a family of five with your
boiled egg and celery (
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